Adding recycle files to your project, Etails in – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

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Chapter 11

Adding Pre-Recorded Media

Adding ReCycle Files to Your Project

ReCycle is the name of a software application from manufacturer Propellerhead, which
mainly serves as an editing and production tool for loops (repeatedly cycled audio
files). ReCycle uses specific file formats that can be imported, and used directly by
Logic Express, or ReCycle files can be converted to Apple Loops.

Note: You need to install the REX Shared Library (© Propellerhead Software) when
using ReCycle files within Logic Express. For more information on ReCycle files, see the
Propellerhead website.

Logic Express can import the following ReCycle file formats:

 Old ReCycle file: These files have the suffix .rcy. The abbreviation for this file type is RCSO.
 Old ReCycle export file: These files have the suffix .rex. The abbreviation for this file

type is REX.

 ReCycle 2.0 file: These files have the suffix .rx2. The abbreviation for this file type is REX2.

To import a ReCycle file into the Arrange area:


Select the ReCycle file you want to import by doing one of the following:

 Choose File > Import Audio File and select a ReCycle file instead of an AIFF, SDII, MP3,

or WAV audio file.

 Shift-click on an audio track with the Pencil tool and select a ReCycle file.
 Drag a ReCycle file from the Finder onto an audio track.


Choose the desired settings in the Import ReCycle file dialog, then click OK.

 Don’t Fix: Imports the file as is. All slices of the file will overlap, to match the tempo

of Logic Express.

 Add tracks: Distributes the slices across multiple audio tracks, allowing you to adjust

the position or delete slices freely. The “Number of Additional Audio Tracks” field
determines how many tracks are used for the distribution of the slices. These tracks
are in addition to the original track that the ReCycle file was added to.

 Crossfade: All slices of the file are imported to the same track, and are automatically

crossfaded. The length of the crossfade is determined by the value (shown in
milliseconds) displayed in the Crossfade Length field.

 Render into single file: This function writes all ReCycle slices into a single audio file.

The current Logic Express project tempo is used for the rendering process.

 Render to Apple Loop: Imports the ReCycle file as an Apple Loop.
