Handling mixer inputs and outputs, Output routing and sub groups (using aux channels), Adjusting elements of multiple channel strips – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 584

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Chapter 25


Handling Mixer Inputs and Outputs

The Input slot of audio channel strips allows you to choose the physical inputs of your
audio hardware. This input (or input pair) supplies an audio signal to the track when

If Input monitoring is switched on, the signal of this audio input will be routed to the
output chosen in the Output menu, when the track is record enabled.

Note: Do not confuse the Input slot with the input format of channel strips. They are
different things entirely.

Output Routing and Sub Groups (Using Aux Channels)

The slot directly below the Input slot determines where the signal of the channel strip
will be sent. The number of available outputs is determined by the audio hardware in

You can select between output channels and aux channels, which can function as
mixer subgroups. If the channel strip is mono, the aux will also be mono, but can be set
to stereo. If both aux and channel strip are stereo, the entire (Mixer) signal flow will be
in stereo.

Hold Option while selecting the inputs or outputs of a single channel to change all
selected channel strips to the same input/output. Please note that inputs are only
changed on (selected) channel strips of the same status: mono or stereo. This facility
allows you to easily select a common input source for all (selected, stereo) audio tracks,
for example.

Tip: Double-clicking on the Output slot of any audio channel will jump to the assigned
Output channel fader, accelerating navigation in the Mixer.

Adjusting Elements of Multiple Channel Strips

You can select multiple channel strips in the Mixer. Once selected, all channels behave
as a temporary group, allowing you to quickly adjust a number of settings on all
selected faders by performing an operation on one of the grouped faders.
Logic Express also offers the group functionality for channel strips (see “

Working With


” on page 587), but this method is often much quicker than setting up groups

for many operations.

To select multiple channel strips, do one of the following:


Shift-click the desired channel strips.


Click a channel background and drag over the desired channel strips (drag horizontally
across multiple channel strips over the word Inserts, or I/O text, for example).

These selection methods work on all channel types (instrument, audio, aux, and so on).
