Working at different hierarchy levels – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 65

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Chapter 3

Customizing Your Window Setup


Working at Different Hierarchy Levels

Logic Express allows you to view projects at an overview level (Arrange level) and also
at the microscopic level (editor level). These different hierarchical levels are designed
for different types of tasks, such as arranging project sections or refining instrument
parts, as examples. In many cases, you can switch between these different display levels
directly, without needing to open or access another window.

Clicking the Hierarchy button in the top left corner of a window or window area moves
the displayed view up one level (generally to the Arrange level).

Note: Double-clicking on the background of the editing area of a window also moves
up one display level.

About Display Levels in the Editors
Normally, the editors are at the lowest display level, which shows individual events
within the selected region.

In the Piano Roll and Hyper Editors, a step up the display hierarchy will show the events
of all regions in the Arrange area.

Clicking the Hierarchy button in the Event List moves you up one level in the display
hierarchy, just like the other editors. In the Event List, however, the display remains
much the same but shows a list of regions, rather than a listing of individual events—
along with region positions, names, track numbers, and lengths. The MIDI region that
you were just editing will be selected within the list of region names.

Double-clicking on a MIDI region (or using the Go Into Folder or Region key command)
returns you to the lowest display level, and shows the contents of the MIDI region.

Double-clicking on an audio region opens it in the Sample Editor.

In the Score Editor, clicking on the Hierarchy button takes you to the higher display
level. Unlike the other editors, individual events can also be edited while in higher
display levels in the Score Editor. Double-clicking on a staff (at an empty point), reverts
to a lower display level.
