Parallel and series send routings – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

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Chapter 10

Working With Instruments and Effects

If you choose Post Pan, the signal is not only post fader, but also post pan. This means
that the pan position of the send signal on the aux (which needs to be stereo or multi-
channel) will follow the Pan/Balance position of the channel strip.

To select one of these options in Logic Express:


Click on a used Send slot, and choose Post Pan, Post, or Pre at the top of the menu.

Parallel and Series Send Routings

When multiple effects are inserted into a channel strip, they are said to be routed in
series. This term refers to the serial nature of the effects chain, where the output of one
effect is fed into the input of the next, and so on.

When a channel strip is routed to multiple auxiliary channels via sends—with reverb,
chorus, and delay effects assigned to aux channels 1, 2, and 3, respectively—it is said to
be a parallel routing.

This means that the output of the channel strip is split, and routed to three separate
effects; one on each auxiliary channel strip. These three independent signals are sent
back from the respective aux channels, and recombined into an output stream from
the channel strip.

You can also direct the audio signal from the auxiliary channel strips to individual
output channels (or other aux channels)—independently, or in combination with—the
mixed channel strip output.

Further possibilities are afforded by combining both series and parallel routings for
individual channels.

Why would you route a channel strip to multiple auxiliary channels, routed back to the
channel, to outputs, or to further aux channels?

Put simply, the sonic results of each, or combined, approaches can be very different. So
start exploring and experimenting!
