Reclaiming workspace used by the track header – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 190

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Chapter 9

Working With Tracks

 Track Numbers/Level Meters: Turn on this checkbox to display a track’s number.

During playback, a small level meter replaces the track number. For external MIDI or
software instrument tracks, this meter indicates the velocity of the recording, and
turns red to denote a maximum velocity value. For audio tracks, the level meter
denotes the output level.

 Track Icons: Click to display or hide the track icons in the track header.
 Names section: Use the menus in this section to determine the names displayed in

the track header. For more information, see “

Naming Tracks

” on page 199.

 Buttons section: Activate the checkboxes of the buttons you want to display in the

track header.

 Track Color Bars: Turn on this checkbox to show a thin color strip at the right edge of

each track. This is a visual aid that can help you to keep track of regions that have
been moved between tracks.

Reclaiming Workspace Used by the Track Header

Obviously, enabling all of the buttons, icons, track names, and so on can result in a lot
of information being shown in the track header.

To see all of this information, you can resize the track list, by dragging the top left
corner of the Arrange area. The mouse cursor will change to a resize icon.

The downside of resizing the track list is that this reduces your working space in the
Arrange and editing areas.

To reclaim a little more room to move, you can hide the entire Inspector area to the left
of the Arrange and editor windows, providing more workspace for regions, events, and
other data.

To hide or show the Inspector in the Arrange window, do one of the following:


Click the Inspector button in the Toolbar.


Choose View > Inspector (or use the Hide/Show Inspector key command, default: I).
