Common plug-in window functions, Linking the plug-in window – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 235

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Chapter 10

Working With Instruments and Effects


Common Plug-in Window Functions

The header area at the top of the plug-in window is common to all plug-ins. It offers a
number of important functions for plug-in use.

To hide or show the plug-in window header:


Click the icon at the top right of the plug-in window.

Linking the Plug-in Window

The button to the extreme left (with a chain on it) is called the Link button.

When the Link Button Is Switched On
 A single plug-in window will be used to display all opened plug-ins. Each time you

open a new plug-in, the window will update to reflect the newly chosen plug-in.

 Choosing a different Arrange track will update an open plug-in window to display

the corresponding slot number of the newly-selected track/channel strip.
As an example:

 Track 1, assigned to instrument channel strip 1, has an ES1 instance loaded (in the

Instrument slot).

 Track 11, assigned to instrument channel strip 2, has an EXS24 mkII instance


 Switching between tracks 1 and 11 will automatically update the plug-in window

to show the ES 1 or EXS24 mkII, respectively.

When the Link Button Is Switched Off
You can open several plug-in windows simultaneously, and these will not update to
reflect any track or plug-in choices you may make. Each open plug-in window will, of
course, continue to show all parameter updates and changes.

Turning Link off is handy when you want to compare the settings of two plug-ins, or
adjust the parameters of several open plug-in windows at the same time.
