Understanding the clip detector, Ommended (see, Understanding the clip – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 578: Detector

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Chapter 25


The level meters can be switched between a Sectional dB-linear scale, and an
Exponential scale. Exponential provides higher display resolution in the upper range.
Sectional dB-linear provides the best possible display resolution across the entire level
range. Both metering systems display a range from –60 to 0 dBfs.

To change the scale:


Open the Display preferences by doing one of the following:

 Choose Logic Express > Preferences > Display (or use the corresponding key


 Click the Preference Toolbar button, then choose Display from the menu.


Click the General tab, then choose the desired value in the Scale menu.

Understanding the Clip Detector

The Clip Detector above the level meter shows you the available headroom of a track in

When a signal clips, the Clip Detector turns red; the value shown indicates the amount
that the peak level (the loudest bit) of the signal needs to be reduced, in order to
prevent clipping.

The peak value is shown once the entire signal has been played, and provides a guide
that should be used to set the Level fader of the channel.

Exponential scale

Sectional dB-linear scale

Clip Detector
