Chapter 2: using the wizard, 1 before you begin – ElmoMC SimplIQ Servo Drives Composer User Manual User Manual

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Chapter 2: Using the Wizard

After connecting your Elmo servo drive to the motor and to the PC, you need to define its
setup parameters in order to customize it to the motor, create the application (with the
network, drive and motor parameters) and specify the dedicated I/O components. You
can tune:

A single-axis system


A single dominant resonance mode, or two resonances that are far apart


A balanced system, such as one with a horizontal axis

You may use the Composer Wizard to define the following:

Motor parameters


Commutation method and parameters


Current loop tuning


Commutation tuning


Velocity loop tuning


Position or dual loop tuning

Generally, the first time you use the Composer to initialize a drive, you will use the
Wizard to define the drive application by tuning of the various loops either manually or
automatically. The Composer stores the parameters for feedback, load, drive,
communication and user program in an application database.

Once you have completed your initial setup using the Composer Wizard, you can verify
that the configuration parameters meet your requirements by viewing them before
running the motor. When you are satisfied with the configuration, you save the setup
information as a designated application. This completes the installation and you can run
the motor.


Before You Begin

In order to ensure successful drive setup, you should verify that the following conditions
are met:

If you are using CANopen networking, be sure that the required CAN board(s) have
been successfully installed.


The static friction should be less than 20 percent of the full torque. While most systems
use drives that can produce current satisfying this condition, it is recommended to
check this by injecting 20% of full current and determining if the plant moves.


The system should be properly balanced; that is, the motor speed should be 0 when
zero current is injected to it.


The system should be open-loop stable. For example, the Composer Wizard cannot be
used with an inverted pendulum.


The mechanical system should not have any low resonance below 5 Hz.

Composer User Manual

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

