Echelon Neuron User Manual

Page 119

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Neuron Tools Errors Guide





The ‘cp’ network variable is of inheriting type, but no type has been inherited at

this point [NCC#506]

A reference to a configuration property network variable has been
encountered but the configuration property has not yet inherited a type.

The reference in the executable code cannot be compiled, because the

variable does not yet have a type.






The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘const’ [NCC#507]
The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘device_specific’ [NCC#508]
The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘manufacturing_only’

The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘object_disabled’ [NCC#510]
The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘offline’ [NCC#511]
The FPT requires that this property be declared as ‘reset_required’ [NCC#512]

The FPT record (used in the functional block declaration) may specify

several restrictions on the configuration properties that appear in its

property list. The messages above result from compiler validations that
test whether the configuration property used in the fb_properties list of the

fblock declaration properly implements the FPT property.


The FPT ‘<FPT-name>’ specifies that the CP member ‘<name>’ is mandatory,

but no corresponding property was found [NCC#513]

Configuration properties of the FPT are each marked as either mandatory

or optional. All mandatory properties must have an implementation, by

appearing in the fb_properties list of the functional block, or in the
nv_properties list of the member NV to which the property applies.


The FPT’s inherited mandatory CP member ‘<name>’ could not be implemented

because the inherited NV member ‘<name>’ was overridden [NCC#514]

A user FPT has inherited a standard FPT with a mandatory configuration

property applying to a network variable, but the standard FPT's network
variable member is overridden in the user FPT. The user FPT needs to

also override the problematic configuration property, and either make it

optional, or make it apply to a mandatory member of the user FPT or to
another NV member of the standard FPT that is not overridden.


The FPT’s mandatory CP member ‘<name>’ applies to an unimplemented NV

member ‘<name>’ [NCC#515]

You should review the definition of this CP member within the functional
profile definition.


The FPT specifies that mandatory CP member ‘<name>’ applies to NV member

‘<name>’, but no corresponding property was found [NCC#516]

The compiler did not find the mandatory property appearing in the

nv_properties list of the member network variable.
