Xblue Networks X-25 User Manual

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About This manual

This manual was written to assist with the installation of the XBLUE


-25 System and is best used as a

reference tool. We have done our best to describe all products and features as they actually work, but we
apologize if the manual is incorrect in areas.

The headings in this manual are used to identify where in the system you are, and what
parameters are programmed within the section.

If something seems too technical we have added a “What does that say?” section that tries to
use plain English to explain it. The Questioning face ICON is used to identify these sections.

In some areas a section called “Notes:” will appear that further explains a feature or parameter.
These sections are designed to show any “Special Circumstances” for use of the feature of
parameter. The Pen in Hand is the ICON used to identify a “Note:”

For pagination reasons, the book may end a section or chapter with a blank page with a heading of “Notes”
This page was inserted to ensure the odd and even page placement is correct and it is very convenient for you
to take notes.

