Snapshots – Adobe After Effects CS4 User Manual

Page 208

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Views and previews

Last updated 12/21/2009

Work area markers indicate the composition duration rendered for previews or final output.

To move the work area, drag the center of the work area bar left or right.

Dragging center of work area bar to move work area

To expand the work area to the size of the composition, double-click the center of the work area bar.

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When you want to compare one view to another in a Composition, Layer, or Footage panel, take a snapshot. For
example, you may want to compare two frames at different times in a movie.

Snapshots taken in one kind of panel can be displayed in another kind. For example, you can take a snapshot of a Layer
panel and display the snapshot in a Composition or Footage panel. Displaying a snapshot does not replace the content
of the panel. If the snapshot has a different size or aspect ratio than the panel in which you display it, the snapshot is
resized to fit the current view.

Snapshots are for reference only and do not become part of the layer, composition, or rendered movie.

A sound is generated when you take a snapshot.

To take a snapshot, click the Take Snapshot button

at the bottom of the panel or press Shift+F5, Shift+F6,

Shift+F7, or Shift+F8.

To view the most recent snapshot taken with the Take Snapshot button or Shift+F5, click and hold the Show Last
Snapshot button

at the bottom of the panel.

To view a specific snapshot, press and hold F5, F6, F7, or F8.

To purge a snapshot, hold down Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac

OS) and press F5, F6, F7, or F8.

To free all memory used to store snapshots, choose Edit > Purge > Snapshot.

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