Network Instruments GigaStor 114ff User Manual

Page 58

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Chapter 4 GigaStor Control Panel


rev. 1

Once the GigaStor is up and running on the network, you can run
Expert Observer or Observer Suite to connect to the GigaStor
running as a probe to begin analyzing the network, or you can run the
GigaStor in Console mode via Windows Terminal Server (or a
monitor and keyboard that are physically attached). Observer works
with the GigaStor just as it does any other Network Instruments
probe, with some GigaStor-specific enhancements (described below).

The GigaStor Control Panel is available from the probe itself (when
running in Console Mode), and also from any Observer Expert or
Observer Suite console when it is connected to a GigaStor. In either
case, choose GigaStor Capture Analysis from Observer’s Capture
menu, and a screen like the following is displayed:

Figure 33 GigaStor Control Panel

The GigaStor Control Panel shows traffic on a time line graph,
allowing you to select packets for decoding, analysis, and display by
defining the time period you want to view, and the types of packets
you want to include.

Use the sliders at the top of the time line chart to select the time
period you are interested in analyzing. If desired, you can further
constrain the display of packets by MAC Stations, IP Stations, IP Pairs,
