Example vxiplug&play driver function sequence, Example vxi plug&play driver function sequence – VXI VT1422A User Manual

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140 Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control

Chapter 4


(*RST default)

Set the channel-to-channel measurement pacing (channel settling time)

SAMPle:TIMer 4E-5

(*RST default)

specify data format


(*RST default)

select FIFO mode


may read FIFO while running

Define algorithm

ALG:DEFINE 'ALG1','static float a,b,c, div, mult, sub;

if ( First_loop )

a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
writecvt( a, 10 ); writefifo( b, 11 ); writefifo( c, 12 );

writecvt( a / div, 13 );
writecvt( b * mult, 14 );
writecvt( c - sub, 15 ); /* end of algorithm */'

Pre-set the algorithm coefficients

ALG:SCAL 'ALG1','div',5
ALG:SCAL 'ALG1','mult',5
ALG:SCAL 'ALG1','sub',0


all alg vars updated at this time

initiate trigger system (start algorithm)


retrieve algorithm data from elements 10 through 15

SENSE:DATA:CVT? (@10:15,330:457)

enter statement here for CVT values from 6 on-board and 128 remote chans

Example VXIplug&play Driver Function Sequence

This example plug&play command sequence puts together all of the steps
discussed so far in this chapter.

hpe1422_init(INSTR_ADDRESS, 0, 0, &vi)

Reset the module

Setting up Signal Conditioning (only for programmable SCPs & RSCUs)

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’INPUT:FILTER:FREQUENCY 2,(@116:119)’)

On-board SCP channels

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’INPUT:FILTER:FREQUENCY 10,(@14000:14931)’)

128 Remote channels

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’INPUT:GAIN 64,(@116:119)’)
hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’INPUT:GAIN 8,(@120:123)’)

set up digital channel characteristics

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’INPUT:POLARITY NORM,(@125)’)

(*RST default)

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’OUTPUT:POLARITY NORM,(@124)’)

(*RST default)

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’OUTPUT:TYPE ACTIVE,(@124)’)

link channels to EU conversions (measurement functions)

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’SENSE:FUNCTION:VOLTAGE AUTO,(@100:107)’)

(*RST default)

hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’SENSE:REFERENCE THER,5000,AUTO,(@108)’)
hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’SENSE:FUNCTION:TEMPERATURE TC,T,AUTO,(@109:123)’)
hpe1422_cmd(vi, ’SENSE:REFERENCE:CHANNELS (@108),(@109:123)’)

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