Experimental parameters files – Ocean Optics OOIBase32 User Manual

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C: File Formats

The following data is an example of a Spectral Data File:

OOIBase32 Version Data File


Date: 10-08-2003, 17:22:13

User: Valued Ocean Optics Customer

Spectrometer Serial Number: ABC123

Spectrometer Channel: Master

Integration Time (msec): 100

Spectra Averaged: 1

Boxcar Smoothing: 3

Correct for Electrical Dark: Disabled

Time Normalized: Disabled

Dual-beam Reference: Disabled

Reference Channel: Master

Temperature: Not acquired

Spectrometer Type: S2000

ADC Type: USB2000

Number of Pixels in File: 2048

Graph Title:

>>>>>Begin Spectral Data<<<<<

333.47 0.000

333.86 261.000

334.26 259.000

334.66 258.000

335.05 259.000

335.45 266.000

335.85 267.000

336.25 264.000

336.64 263.000

337.04 265.000

337.44 260.000

337.83 265.000

338.23 260.000

338.63 263.000

339.02 266.000

339.42 267.000

339.82 268.000

340.21 269.000

340.61 260.000

341.01 266.000

341.40 266.000

Experimental Parameters Files

An Experimental Parameters File contains all of the acquisition parameters necessary to conduct an
experiment, such as integration time (in milliseconds), the delay between flashes (in milliseconds), boxcar
smoothing width, and spectra averaged. The file also notes if you enabled the correct for electrical dark (1
if enabled, 0 if disabled) and the type of triggering used (0 for no trigger, 1 for software trigger, 2 for
synchronization or 3 for hardware trigger). The file also includes the view mode (Scope, Absorbance,
Transmission, or Irradiance) and color temperature (in Kelvin) of the reference lamp for irradiance


