Ssid requirements, Table 31 ssid requirements, Requirements for cu groups – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 140: 31 ssid requirements

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140 Overview of Volume Manager and Custom Volume Size

The CV must not be path-defined (including TrueCopy for z/OS, Continuous Access XP, ShadowImage

for z/OS, Business Copy XP, and Continuous Access XP Journal pair volumes).

The CV must not be reserved for Auto LUN XP.

LUSE volumes concatenated with one or more LDEVs belonging to a different VDEV must not exist.

The CV must be read/write-enabled.

The CV must not be a pool volume (pool-VOL)

The CV must not be a journal volume.

The CV must not be a remote command device.

The CV must not contain extents.

If the VDEV contains a CV that violates any of the restrictions, the Volume Initialize and Make Volume

functions are disabled. You must eliminate invalid CVs before performing the Volume Initialize and Make

Volume functions.

SSID requirements

The array is configured with one SSID for each of 256 devices and up to four SSIDs per CU image. Each

SSID must be unique within each host system.

Table 31

shows the relationship between emulation types of

controllers and SSIDs.

Requirements for CU groups

If you are using HP StorageWorks LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP, you can apply Volume

Manager functions to open-systems volumes belonging to CU group 0 (zero), but not to volumes in other

CU groups. If you are using Custom Volume Size (CVS), you can apply Volume Manager functions to

mainframe volumes, regardless of which CU group the volumes belong to. For more information about CU

groups, see the HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console user guide for Xp12000/XP10000/SVS200.

Table 31

SSID requirements

Controller emulation type SSID requirement CVS support

3990-6, 3990-6E



- (FFFD)


3390-3, 3390-3A, 3390-3B, 3390-3C,

3390-9, 3390-9A, 3390-9B, 3390-9C,

OPEN-3, OPEN-8, OPEN-9, OPEN-E, and OPEN-V volumes




- (FFFD)


3380-3, 3380-3A, 3380-3B, 3380-3C,

3390-3, 3390-3A, 3390-3B, 3390-3C, 3390-3R,

3390-9, 3390-9A, 3390-9B, 3390-9C,

3390-L, 3390-LA, 3390-LB, 3390-LC,

3390-M, 3390-MA, 3390-MB, 3390-MC,

OPEN-3, OPEN-8, OPEN-9, OPEN-E, and OPEN-V volumes

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