Managing data and devices – Vaisala viewLinc 4.3 User Manual

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Troubleshooting Tips






or Digi networking Device, or to a computer using USB, and
see if you can connect to it from vLog.

Managing Data and Devices

Q: I'm in viewLinc and trying to transfer Device data files to
a network location but it isn't working. What do I do?

A: First, ensure you are using the full network path to the network
directory (for example, \\ComputerName\etc.), not a mapped drive
letter. Also, ensure that the account that's running viewLinc has
write permissions to the folder where you're attempting to transfer
the Device files. The account that's running viewLinc was set during
installation. See information on installing viewLinc in Chapter 1 of
this guide, or online help.

Q: If I wish to back up the files associated with viewLinc,
what are their locations and file sizes?


viewLinc configuration text files: <installdir>\config\* (small

text files)

viewLinc security keys for https: <installdir>\config\keys\*
(small binary files)

viewLinc operational configuration: app_data_
(up to 100MB on very large systems)

viewLinc historical data files: app_data_root\db\hist\YYYY-
(up to 10GB per month on very large systems)

viewLinc event logs: app_data_root\log\Events\Events-
(up to 100MB per year on very large systems)

viewLinc Repository files, uploaded dashboard images, report logos
etc: app_data_root\db\repository\images\*.* (under 5 MB)

Note: It is recommended that all viewLinc services be stopped

before performing a backup.
