Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 258

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Chapter 11

Advanced editing 


The following diagram shows how a project in the Timeline could be simplified using
compound clips:

Selected clips in the Timeline

New compound clip

Compound clips have the following characteristics:

You create compound clips in the Event Browser or in the Timeline.

Every compound clip in the Timeline has a “parent” compound clip in the Event Browser.

Event clips

Project 3

Project 1

Child clip

Child clips

Child clip

Project 2

Parent compound clip

When you edit the contents of any compound clip, you are in fact editing the parent
compound clip from the Event Browser
. Any changes you make to the compound clip are
inherited by all of its child clips. For example, if you delete a title clip from the contents of a
parent compound clip, the title clip is deleted from all child clips.
You can create an independent compound clip from an existing compound clip. For example,
you might have a compound clip of a standard title sequence for your TV or podcast series.
You can create unique (independent) instances of the compound clip for each episode
without affecting other instances of the title sequence.

Note: Compound clips in Final Cut Pro X provide all the functionality of the nested sequence
feature in Final Cut Pro 7, with more flexibility and ease of use.
