Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 376

background image

Chapter 13

Color correction


RGB Overlay: Combines waveforms for the red, green, and blue color components in one
display. If the image being examined has equal levels of two or more colors, you see the
combined color:

Equal levels of green and blue appear as cyan.

Equal levels of green and red appear as yellow.

Equal levels of red and blue appear as magenta.

Equal levels of red, green, and blue appear as gray.

RGB Parade: Presents three graphs that display your video as separate red, green, and
blue components. The waveforms are tinted red, green, and blue so that you can easily
identify them.

You can use the RGB Parade view to compare the relative distribution of each color channel
across the tonal range of the image. For example, images with a red color cast have either a
significantly stronger red graph or weaker green and blue graphs.

Red: Shows only the red color channel.

Green: Shows only the green color channel.

Blue: Shows only the blue color channel.

Brightness: Sets the relative lightness or darkness of the scope display.
