Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 372

background image

Chapter 13

Color correction


The Settings pop-up menu in the upper-right corner of the Waveform Monitor provides a variety
of display options:

RGB Parade: Presents three side-by-side waveform displays that display your video as three
separate red, green, and blue components. The waveforms are tinted red, green, and blue so
that you can easily identify them.

The RGB Parade view is useful for comparing the relative levels of red, green, and blue
between two clips. If one clip has more blue than another, the Waveform Monitor displays
an elevated blue waveform for the clip with more blue and a depressed blue waveform for
the other clip.

RGB Overlay: Combines waveforms for the red, green, and blue color components in
one display.

Red: Shows only the red color channel.

Green: Shows only the green color channel.

Blue: Shows only the blue color channel.

Luma: Shows only the luma component of the video.
