Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 102

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Chapter 8

Edit your project 


To insert a gap clip: Choose Edit > Insert Gap (or press Option-W).
Final Cut Pro inserts a blank clip (containing blank video and silent audio) that you can adjust
to any duration. (The film industry term for this is slug.)

Gap clip

Note: Gap clip color is determined by the current background color in Final Cut Pro. To
adjust the background color, choose a Player Background option in the Playback pane
of the Final Cut Pro Preferences window. If you want a different color, consider using a
solid generator.

The clip appears in the Timeline, and all clips after the insertion point are rippled forward (to
the right).

Insert clips by dragging them from the Event Browser, a media browser, or the Finder
You can insert clips between clips in the Timeline by dragging them from the Event Browser,
another Final Cut Pro media browser, or the Finder.


Drag the clip you want to insert to an edit point (between two clips) in the Timeline.

The clip appears in the Timeline, and all clips after the insertion point are rippled forward (to
the right).
