Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 475

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value slider A value slider is a type of numerical slider control that appears as a number, often
to the right of a basic slider. There are two ways to adjust a value slider: by dragging over the
number to decrease or increase the parameter value, or by double-clicking the number and
entering a new value.

variable speed Speed that varies dynamically, in forward or reverse motion, in a single clip.

VCR Abbreviation for videocassette recorder. Generally refers to consumer equipment used for
recording video from various sources. Sometimes referred to as a VTR. See also VTR.

Vectorscope A video scope in Final Cut Pro that shows the distribution of color in your image on
a circular scale. The Vectorscope is useful for comparing the hue and intensity of colors between
two clips for the purposes of color correction.

Video Animation Editor You can show the Video Animation Editor for clips in the Timeline
to adjust effect parameters, create fade-ins or fade-outs, or change effects over time
using keyframes.

Viewer When you play clips selected in the Event Browser and the Timeline, they appear in
the Viewer.

VTR Abbreviation for videotape recorder. Generally refers to professional equipment used for
recording video from various sources.

watermark A visible graphic or text overlay applied to an image or video clip to indicate that it
is protected by a copyright. Watermarks are used to discourage the use of images or video clips
without the copyright holder’s explicit permission.

WAVE (or WAV) An audio file format most commonly used for storing uncompressed linear
pulse code modulation (LPCM) audio data.

Waveform Monitor A video scope in Final Cut Pro that displays the relative levels of luma
and chroma in the clip currently being examined. Spikes and dips in the displayed waveforms
correspond to light or dark areas in your picture.

widescreen Any movie presentation that has an aspect ratio wider than 4:3. In movie theaters,
1.85 is considered standard and 2.40 is considered widescreen. For video, 4:3 is considered
standard and 16:9 (which is almost the same aspect ratio as 1.85) is considered widescreen. See
also 4:3, 16:9.

wipe A common type of video transition. In a wipe, the screen splits, moving from one side
of the image to the other to gradually reveal the next shot. A wipe is more obvious (and
customizable) than a fade or cross dissolve.

XDCAM Sony optical disc format for recording DVCAM and IMX video within MXF container files.
See also DVCAM, IMX.

XDCAM EX A member of the Sony XDCAM product family that uses MPEG-2 video compression
with 4:2:0 chroma sampling. In contrast to XDCAM HD, XDCAM EX supports 720p and records
full HD resolution (either 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720). Its maximum bit rate is 35 Mbps. Instead
of optical discs, XDCAM EX camcorders use solid-state memory cards known as SxS cards. See
also HDV.

XDCAM HD422 A member of the Sony XDCAM product family featuring 4:2:2 chroma sampling
and a video bit rate of 50 Mbps. Like XDCAM EX, it uses MPEG-2 video compression at full HD
resolution (either 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720). See also HDV.
