Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 264

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Chapter 11

Advanced editing 


Navigate compound clip levels using menu commands and keyboard shortcuts
You can navigate up or down one or more levels of a compound clip.


To move forward (down one level): Choose View > Timeline History Forward, or press
Command–Right Bracket (]).


To move back (up one level): Choose View > Timeline History Back, or press Command–Left
Bracket ([).

Navigate compound clip levels using the arrow buttons
Do one of the following:


Click the left and right arrows in the upper-left corner of the Timeline.


Click and hold the right or left arrow in the upper-left corner of the Timeline, and choose a level
from the pop-up menu.

The left arrow effectively closes the current compound clip and opens its parent, with the top
level being the project or event containing the compound clip. If there is no history available to
navigate, both the left and right arrows are dimmed.

Make sure all contents of a compound clip appear in your movie
When you’re editing the contents of a compound clip, Final Cut Pro indicates the boundary of
the compound clip with a dark gray, cross-hatched area to the left of the start point of the clip
and to the right of the end point of the clip.

If you add clips to the contents of the compound clip, any parts of any clips that extend into the
dark gray area do not appear in your project.

Any clips in the dark gray,

cross-hatched area do not

appear in your final movie.
