Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 467

background image



JPEG A popular image file format that lets you create highly compressed graphics files. The
amount of compression used can be varied. Less compression results in a higher-quality image.

keyframe A control that denotes the value of a video or audio effect parameter at a particular
point in the project. When two keyframes with different values are set in Final Cut Pro, a
transition from one value to another is calculated, resulting in a dynamic change to that
parameter. The word keyframe comes from the traditional workflow in the animation industry,
where only important (key) frames of an animated sequence were drawn to sketch a character’s
motion over time. Once the keyframes were determined, an in-between artist drew all the frames
between the keyframes.

keying See chroma key, luma key.

Keyword Collection When you apply a keyword to a clip, a Keyword Collection is automatically
created in the Event Library. When you select the Keyword Collection, each clip tagged with that
keyword is displayed.

keywords Keywords add descriptive information to a clip or clip range. You can use keywords to
organize, sort, and classify media. You can add keywords to a clip manually, and Final Cut Pro can
also add keywords automatically during clip analysis. See also Keyword Collection.

L-cut See split edit.

linear editing Before digital video editing, programs were edited together by copying shots
from the original source tapes to a master tape, one by one. Because the assembly was linear, any
changes in duration made to an earlier point of the tape required reassembling the movie from
that point forward. See also nonlinear editing.

looping A playback mode in which clips and projects go back to the beginning whenever the
playhead reaches the end of the media. You can turn looping on or off from the View menu or by
pressing Command-L.

lower third A television industry term for a graphic placed in the lower area of the screen,
usually to convey details about subjects or products. A common use of lower thirds is to identify
individuals on the screen with their names and job titles.

luma A value describing the brightness of a video image. A luma channel is a grayscale image
showing the range of brightness across the whole clip.

luma key An effect used to key out pixels of a certain luma value (or a range of luma values),
creating a matte based on the brightest or darkest area of an image. Keying out luma values
works best when your clip has a large discrepancy in exposure between the areas that you want
to key out and the foreground images you want to preserve, such as a white title on a black
background. See also chroma key, matte.

Mail Mail is the email application that comes with OS X.

markers Markers flag a specific location in a clip with editing notes or other descriptive
information. You can also use markers for task management. Markers are classified as standard
markers (blue), chapter markers (orange), to-do items (red), or completed to-do items (green).

mask An image or clip used to define areas of transparency in another clip. Similar to an alpha
channel. The color correction tools can create masks based on a color you choose or a shape you
create. See also alpha channel.
