Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 98

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Chapter 8

Edit your project 


Select and deselect ranges and clips in an event
You can set, select, or deselect multiple ranges within event clips or within events.


Editing commands operate on yellow selections only. Editing commands ignore

orange (unselected) ranges.

Selected ranges

Unselected ranges


To select an individual range: Click the range.


To select or deselect a range: Command-click the range.


To select all ranges in a clip: Click an area of the clip that has no range.


To select all ranges and clips in the current event: Choose Edit > Select All (or press Command-A).
The ranges (and all clips with no ranges) are selected with a yellow border.


To deselect all ranges and clips in the current event: Choose Edit > Deselect All (or press
The ranges turn orange.

Remove ranges from clips in an event
You can remove individual ranges, multiple ranges, or all ranges from the current event.


To remove an individual range in an event: Option-click the range.


To remove selected ranges in an event: Select the ranges you want to remove, and choose Mark >
Clear Selected Ranges (or press Option-X).


To remove all ranges in an event: Choose Edit > Select All (or press Command-A) to select all
ranges in the current event, and choose Mark > Clear Selected Ranges (or press Option-X).

Navigate between selections in an event


To go to the start of the range selection: Choose Mark > Go to > Range Start (or press Shift-I).
Repeat this command to go to the start of the previous range selection, or to the start of the clip.


To go to the end of the range selection: Choose Mark > Go to > Range End (or press Shift-O).
Repeat this command to go to the end of the next range selection, or to the end of the clip.


To select the previous clip (or its ranges): Press Up Arrow.
To add to the selection, press Shift–Up Arrow.


To select the next clip (or its ranges): Press Down Arrow.
To add to the selection, press Shift–Down Arrow.
