Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 472

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scene A series of shots that take place at the same time in the same location. A series of scenes
make up a program.

Select tool The default arrow-shaped pointer that allows you to select items in the Timeline. For
example, you use it to select a clip or edit point. You can select the Select tool by pressing the
A key.

sequence See project, Timeline.

shortcut menu A menu you access by holding down the Control key and clicking an item on
the screen, or by pressing the right mouse button. Sometimes called a contextual menu.

shot A segment of continuously recorded video. A shot is the smallest unit of a program.

skimmer The skimmer lets you preview clips in the Timeline, Event Browser, or Project Library,
without affecting the playhead position. You use the skimmer to skim, or freely move over clips
to play back at the position and speed of the pointer. The skimmer appears as a pink vertical
line as you move the pointer over the area you’re skimming. If you have snapping turned on, the
skimmer turns orange when it snaps to a position.

slate A shot at the beginning of a scene, which identifies the scene with basic production
information such as the take, date, and scene number. A clapper provides an audiovisual cue for
synchronization when video and audio are recorded separately.

slide edit An edit in which an entire clip is moved, along with the edit points on its left and
right. The duration of the clip being moved stays the same, but the clips to the left and right of
it change in length to accommodate the new position of the clip. The overall duration of the
project and of these three clips remains the same.

slip edit An edit in which the location of both start and end points of a project clip are changed
at the same time, without changing the position or duration of the clip. This is referred to as
slipping, because you slip the clip’s start and end points inside the available footage. The portion
of the clip seen in the project changes, but its position in the Timeline stays the same.

Smart Collection When you search for clips in an event using the Filter window, you can save
your results by creating a new Smart Collection that gathers clips matching the search criteria.
Whenever a new clip that matches the Smart Collection’s search criteria is brought into the
event, the new clip is automatically added to the Smart Collection. Clips that appear in Smart
Collections are not duplicates. Smart Collections filter clips in an event to help you focus on the
clips you need to use for a specific task.

snapping When the snapping feature is turned on in Final Cut Pro, items you move in the
Timeline (including the playhead, the skimmer, and selected clips) appear to jump, or “snap,”
directly to certain points in the Timeline. This can help you quickly line up edits with other
items in the project. Snapping affects the functions of many of the editing tools in Final Cut Pro,
including the Select tool, the Trim tool, the Position tool, the Range Selection tool, and the Blade
tool. You can disable snapping when frame-by-frame precision editing is required.

sound effects Specific audio material, such as the sound of a door closing or a dog barking, from
effects libraries or from clips you recorded. Sound effects can be used to replace sounds in the
location audio of a program, or to add sound that wasn’t originally recorded.
