Apple Final Cut Pro X (10.0.9) User Manual

Page 424

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Chapter 16

Preferences and metadata


The web destinations include the following settings:

Sign In: The first time you open a new web destination, a window for entering your account
information appears. If you enter your account name and password and select the “Remember
this password in my keychain” checkbox, you won’t need to enter your account name or
password again.
After the initial setup, you can click the Sign In button in the destination’s settings to reenter
or change your account information.

Resolution: Choose the default resolution for the destination. If the destination is used with
a project or clip that has a lower resolution than the resolution you chose, the resolution
changes to match that of the project or clip.

Compression: Choose “Better quality” if you want the highest-quality compression; choose
“Faster encode” if you’re willing to sacrifice quality for faster processing.

Make this movie Private: Available for YouTube only. If this checkbox is selected, only the
contacts you specify in your YouTube account settings can see your movie.

Category: Available for YouTube only. Choose the YouTube category your movie will appear in.

Viewable by: Available for Facebook and Vimeo only. Choose who can view your movie.

Save Current Frame and Image Sequence
Use these destinations to save a still image of any video frame in your project or to save a set of
sequentially numbered still-image files.

Note: The Save Current Frame and Image Sequence destinations do not appear by default. To
add either of them to the Destinations list, see

Work with destinations

on page 427.

The Save Current Frame and Image Sequence destinations include the following settings:

Export: Choose a file format for the exported file.

Scale image to preserve aspect ratio: Select this checkbox to scale the output file to use square
pixels and maintain the original aspect ratio (which results in an increase or decrease in the
number of horizontal and vertical pixels).
The checkbox affects only projects with formats that use non-square pixels, such as NTSC
and PAL formats. If the checkbox is not selected (the default setting), the output file uses
the same pixel aspect ratio and has the same number of horizontal and vertical pixels as the
original video.

Export File
This destination is used as the basis for three of the destinations in the default set: Master
File, Apple Devices 720p, and Apple Devices 1080p. When you create and modify destinations in
Final Cut Pro preferences, this destination is called Export File.

Use this destination to export your project or clip as a movie file with video and audio, as a video
file (with no audio), or as an audio file (with no video). This destination is used to export files for
Apple devices, computers, and web hosting.

You can customize the Export File destination by choosing one of several resolutions, depending
on the intended playback device. For example, choose 1280 x 720 resolution for iPhone and iPod,
and 1920 x 1080 resolution for iPad. You can also export one or more of the roles used in your
project into one or more files, also known as media stems.
