Lenze PMSS1000 Simple Servo User Manual

Page 41

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Indexer-Programmer-Manual.pdf REV 1.3

Incremental (MOVED) and Absolute (MOVEP) Motion

MOVED and MOVEP statements are used to create incremental and absolute moves respectively. The
motion that results from these commands is by default a trapezoidal velocity move or S-curved velocity
move if ",S" modifier is used with the statement,
For example:

MOVEP 10 ;will result in trapezoidal move

MOVEP 10,S ;will result in S-curved move

The length of the move is determined by an statement's required argument. Argument can be any valid
arithmetic expression. The top velocity of the move is determined by setting system variable MAXV. The
acceleration and deceleration are determined by system variables ACCEL and DECEL respectively.
If values of velocity, acceleration and deceleration are such that for specified distance there is not enough
time to accelerate to specified velocity, motion profile will result in triangular or double S profile. (see
picture below"

ACCEL = 200
DECEL = 200
MAXV = 20


;move 1



;move 2

MOVED 4 , S ;move 3
MOVED 2 , S ;move 4

In example above the acceleration, deceleration and velocity where equal, but the distances where
different. In the move 1 and 3 the peak velocity reached the specified velocity of 20. In move 2 and 4 the
profile changed with max velocity less than specified.

