Device config, Device parameters, Parameter definitions and numbers – Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual

Page 7

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2. Set the Minimum and Maximum values displayed on the gauge. Select the minimum and maximum values displayed on the

gauge. In the example shown, this gauge is set to display from 0 to 100 percent relative humidity.

3. Establish the Major Tick Increment and the Minor Tick Count. The major tick increment establishes the incremental count for

the gauge. This example has the major tick increment set to 25, which counts by 25 from zero to 100, as shown in the sample
gauge. The minor tick count is the number of tick marks within each major tick. As shown, the minor tick count is set to four, which
adds four minor tick marks between each major tick. This divides each major tick into five segments, resulting in a count by five
between 0 and 25.

4. Select the Label Start point. The gauge label starts labeling the major ticks at the label start value, in this case zero, and labels

only the major ticks.

5. Set the Range 1, or green zone, Start and End points. Range 1 is the range called out in green. In the example shown, the

green range is between 0 and 75.

6. Set the Range 2, or red zone, Start and End points. Range 2 is the range called out in red. In the example shown, the red range

is between 75 and 100. Set the range 2 values to denote the range you want to display as the “warning” range.

7. Gauge Animation. The default settings for animation are set to show smooth movements of the gauges. Turning off the animation

will show the gauge needle changing instantly to the new value instead of smoothly changing position to the new value. The Anima-
tion Interval (in milliseconds) and Animation Increment (the number of increments the gauge needle moves in the Animation Inter-
val) both set the speed at which the needle moves.

Test Button. Click on the Test button to test your animation settings for visual appeal.

Default Button. Click on the Default button to return to the default gauge and animation settings.

Device Config

Device Parameters

Use the Device Parameters screen to configure a device's input and output parameters. Common parameters include sample rate, report
rate, threshold, and hysteresis.

To change a device's I/O parameter:

1. Select the device to configure from the drop-down list.
2. Select the I/O number. Refer to the device's data sheet for the list of available I/O.
3. Select the desired parameter from the dropdown list. When a parameter is selected, the specific help for the parameter is shown on

the screen just below the selection area. In the screen shot shown, the Report Rate parameter was selected and its help appears
on the screen to define the parameter and its values.

4. Select a value for the parameter.
5. Click the Send button to send the control message to the selected device.

Parameter Definitions and Numbers

The following parameters can be changed using the User Configuration Tool or by sending register commands from your host system.

SureCross User Configuration Tool (UCT)

Rev. G - tel: 763-544-3164

