Bio-Rad Foresight™ Chromatography Columns, Prepacked User Manual

Page 17

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3.2 Types of Studies

3.2.1 Screening

To utilize the full potential of HT experimentation,

statistical DoE is recommended. DoE identifies

the experimental variables with the most

significant impact on the experiment’s output(s)

in relatively few experiments. Examples of

experimental variables include, but are not limited

to, pH, conductivity/ionic strength, salt type,

additives, and sample protein concentration.
To guarantee a desired load for the DoE work,

a preliminary uptake kinetic experiment is

recommended. This experiment provides the

contact time required to achieve a given load

and elucidates whether enough protein feed

concentration was provided. If time and sample

quantity allow, an additional isotherm experiment

is recommended.
This experiment yields the range of feed

concentration engulfing the plateau region of

the isotherm, where the capacity is practically

insensitive to changes in the feed concentration.
Note: A binding kinetic experiment (uptake curve)
provides the incubation time required to achieve
a desired load. Uptake data in juxtaposition with
isotherm data provide a reliable way to determine
the range of initial feed concentrations that leads
to media saturation.
Screening studies can be used to find conditions

that: (a) maximize load (binding of a target

protein), (b) lead to flowthrough of the target or

its similar impurities, and (c) lead to optimum

levels of yield and purity. Furthermore, screening

studies might also be used to scout for optimal

cleaning conditions.
