Bio-Rad Foresight™ Chromatography Columns, Prepacked User Manual

Page 29

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3.6.3 Sample Loading

a) Volume and Concentration

• Load 300 μl of sample per well, cover the

plate with a sealing film, and incubate it in

the microplate shaker at 1100 rpm, for a

predetermined incubation time

• The incubation time depends on the

type of study and the target capacity

utilization. For isotherm studies, one hr

and up to six hr may be needed to reach

equilibrium. For uptake kinetic studies

1–2 hr are recommended as the longest

incubation time. For any other study an

incubation time of 30–60 min usually


• A volume of 300 μl translates to a phase

ratio per well of 15 for the 20 μl media

plates, respectively. These phase ratios

generally lead to a decrease in the liquid

phase concentration of less than 80%,

which minimizes the experimental error

b) Collecting Unbound Material

• Remove the depleted sample using

centrifugation. A cycle time of at least

2 min at 300 g usually removes all the

liquid. Do not use vacuum filtration for this

step. After collecting the liquid, label the

collection plate “Flowthrough”, blot the

media plate on a paper towel, and place

it on top of a new collection plate

• The Flowthrough collection plate can now

be analyzed, for instance for total protein

