Software upgrade, 0 flash memory, 1 software reset – CANOGA PERKINS 9145ELB NID Software Version 4.01 User Manual

Page 93: 2 swap bank & reset, Chapter 8 software upgrade

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Software Upgrade

9145ELB NID Software User’s Manual

Software Reset


Chapter 8

Software Upgrade

8.0 Flash Memory

CAUTION: Swap Bank and Software Reset or Swap Bank After Download and Reset
could disrupt service.

Each 9145ELB unit has two flash memory banks that store software. The Active Flash Memory
bank holds the software that is currently in use. The Inactive Flash Memory bank holds the new
software from a download, or the older version of software from a previous upgrade. Software
can be downloaded into the Inactive Flash Memory bank without disrupting the normal operation
of the 9145ELB. Downloading software into the Inactive Memory bank is a background operation
and will not disrupt services.

From the Main Menu, select Software Upgrade (7) and press Enter. The Software Upgrade
screen (Figure 8-1) opens. The Software Upgrade screen displays the time since the last restart,
the active firmware version, the backup firmware version, and the bootcode version.

The Software Upgrade screen provides functions to reset the software, swap active flash
memory banks, swap flash memory banks after a download and reset, and get a new file with

8.1 Software Reset

1. To reset the software, type 1 and press Enter. Reset will be highlighted.

2. Press Enter. The software resets. All users will be logged off the system.

Software resets do not affect payload traffic, as long as new software is not being loaded.

8.2 Swap Bank & Reset

You can elect to exchange the current software being executed with the software stored in the
inactive flash memory bank. This process will swap flash memory banks (active > inactive,
inactive > active) and reset the 9145ELB to activate the setting. The software in the inactive flash
memory bank will become active and the active flash memory bank will become inactive when
the 9145ELB resets.
