Accelerometer calibration, Mounting method – Haltech IQ3 Data Logger Dash User Manual

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IQ3 Data Logger Dash Installation Manual


No greater than 45°

Perpendicular to travel

Mounting Orientation of IQ3 – When Used For Track Mapping Purposes

The IQ3 contains inline, lateral and vertical accelerometers that perform two functions. First is
for graphical analysis of G data. The second is to work in conjunction with the GPS data to

provide track mapping information. The logger must be mounted in the direction shown below
as the orientation of the G meters cannot be re-defined in the software, if mounting in any

other direction.

The IQ3 should be mounted as level as possible left

and right, top to bottom and perpendicular to travel.

The dash can be tilted top to bottom up to 45 degrees,
as the G meters can compensated and reset to zero.

Accelerometer Calibration

Upon mounting of the dash, it will be necessary to compensate and “zero” the G

meters, to correct for vertical dash tilt. Please refer to the section Setup Mode 2 of this

manual, for complete details. NOTE: Accelerometers cannot be re-oriented in the

software, only compensated to correct for top / bottom tilt. Do not mount the dash rotated in
relation to the travel of the vehicle.

Mounting Orientation of IQ3 – For GPS Speed with No Track Mapping

In certain motorsports, such as pulling, the IQ3 mounting orientation may vary as needed per

the vehicle. Be aware this will skew G meter data.

Mounting Method

Three #10 studs, washers and nuts are supplied with the IQ3, to be utilized for mounting. If
desired, the studs can be unscrewed from the threaded inserts located in the dash housing.

Direction of travel
