Goodreads on kindle, Goodreads on, Kindle – Kindle Paperwhite (2nd Generation) User Manual

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Kindle Paperwhite User's Guide, 3rd Edition


Chapter 3

Reading Kindle Documents

To add a child to your household:


You will be prompted to set a Parental Controls password if you do not already have one.

2. To create a profile for your child, enter your child’s first name, date of birth and gender.

This will create a Kindle FreeTime profile for your child. For more information on setting up
and managing this profile, see

Kindle FreeTime


To edit attributes associated with people in your household, tap the Menu button and select
Settings. On the Settings page, select Registration and Household, then Household and
Family Library. Tap the name of the individual to:

Manage Family Library

Manage Share All Books

Select devices that show shared content

Manage payment methods

Remove that individual from the household on all devices

Note that leaving a household will result in both adults not being allowed to join or start a
household for 180 days, and the household cannot have another adult added for 180 days.
Your digital content and payment methods will no longer be shared with the other adult in
the household. You will also no longer be able to administer child accounts that are part of
the household. You can manage individual books for sharing on the Manage Your Content
and Devices page, accessible from


Goodreads on Kindle

Connect to the world's largest community of readers with Goodreads on Kindle, where you
can find book recommendations, keep track of what you've read and want to read, and see

what your friends are reading. Tap the Goodreads button on the toolbar to get started.
You will be prompted to sign in to Goodreads or create a new account if you did not do so
when setting up your Kindle.

When you log in with an existing Goodreads account, your account data will sync with your
Kindle, including your friend list and your Want to Read, Currently Reading and Read

When you create a new account, you will have the opportunity to add Facebook friends and
choose Readers to Follow. If you connect using your Facebook account, any Facebook
friends who are also on Goodreads will be added to your Goodreads friend list
automatically. The more friends and readers you follow, the more book recommendations
you will see in your Updates.

Keep track of what you're reading by adding books to your Goodreads shelves. When setting
up your account, you will be directed to a list of your Amazon book purchases, both digital
and physical. You can rate books you've read from one to five stars. Rating a book adds it to
your Read shelf. You can also tap the Shelf icon

to shelve the book as Currently Reading

or Want to Read. Shelved and rated books are publicly visible on your Goodreads profile.
