Syntax – ADLINK PCI-8124-C User Manual

Page 74

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Function Library


This function is used to set the counter source. The source
could be one of the EA/EB input channels or timers. The
default counter source is EA/EB. About timer, please refer the
section 5.12 Timer.

@ Syntax

C/C++ (Windows 2000/XP)

I16 _8124_set_encoder_input_mode( I16 CardId, I16

Channel, I16 IptMode );

I16 _8124_set_encoder_value( I16 CardId, I16

Channel, I32 EncValue );

I16 _8124_get_encoder_value( I16 CardId, I16

Channel, I32 *EncValue );

I16 _8124_set_encoder_up_down_count(I16 CardId,

I16 Channel, I16 Inverse );

I16 _8124_set_ez_clear( I16 CardId, I16 Channel,

I16 Enable, I16 ClrLogic );

I16 _8124_set_counter_source( I16 CardId, I16

Channel, I16 CtnSrc );

Visual Basic (Windows 2000/XP)

B_8124_set_pls_iptmode (ByVal CardId As Integer,

ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal IptMode As

Integer) As Integer

B_8124_set_encoder_input_mode (ByVal CardId As

Integer, ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal

IptMode As Integer) As Integer

B_8124_set_encoder_value (ByVal CardId As

Integer, ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal

EncValue As Long) As Integer

B_8124_get_encoder_value (ByVal CardId As

Integer, ByVal Channel As Integer, EncValue

As Long) As Integer

B_8124_set_encoder_up_down_count (ByVal CardId As

Integer, ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal

Inverse As Integer) As Integer

B_8124_set_ez_clear (ByVal CardId As Integer,

ByVal Channel As Integer, ByVal Enable As

Integer, ByVal ClrLogic As Integer) As

