Intellisense, Manual – Bimba IntelliSens User Manual

Page 26

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Editing SIM Configuration

Figure 14: Cylinder Config button

Any SIM in the main list can be configured by selecting the “Config” button to the right of the SIM entry on the status
screen. The following configuration page will show. Click the button marked Retrieve Current Settings to bring all of
the current parameter values from the SIM memory into the web browser, including the SIM version, set-up and com-
munication parameters.

To save any changed values to the SIM memory, click the button Save Settings to SIM.

Figure 15: Save and retrieve Settings to and from the SIM

Basic SIM Settings






can be set up to monitor cylinders or pressure. In Cylinder Monitoring mode, IntelliSense


will monitor

cylinder performance, including stroke time and leakage, and allow alarms to be set. These alarms are triggered when
the set thresholds are crossed. In Pressure Monitoring mode, IntelliSense


will measure pressure and temperature

and alert you when the set-points are reached or crossed. The mode can be set by selecting the appropriate option
