Abs (anti-lock brake system) – Subaru 2006 Baja User Manual

Page 286

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Starting and operating


ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)

Always use the utmost care in driving – over-

confidence because you are driving with an

ABS equipped vehicle could easily lead to a se-

rious accident.


The ABS system does not always decrease

stopping distance. You should always maintain

a safe following distance from other vehicles.

When driving on badly surfaced roads, gravel

roads, icy road, or over deep newly fallen snow,

stopping distances may be longer for a vehicle

with the ABS system than one without. When

driving under these conditions, therefore, re-

duce your speed and leave ample distance from

other vehicles.

When you feel the ABS system operating,

you should maintain constant brake pedal pres-

sure. Do not pump the brake pedal since doing

so may defeat the operation of the ABS system.

The ABS system prevents the lock-up of wheels which

may occur during sudden braking or braking on slip-

pery road surfaces. This helps prevent the loss of

steering control and directional stability caused by

wheel lock-up.

When the ABS system is operating, you may hear a

chattering noise or feel a slight vibration in the brake

pedal. This is normal when the ABS operates.

The ABS system will not operate when the vehicle

speed is below approximately 6 mph (10 km/h).


ABS system self-check

You may feel a slight shock in the brake pedal and

hear the operating sound of ABS from the engine com-

partment just after the vehicle is started. This is

caused by an automatic functional test of the ABS sys-

tem being carried out and does not indicate any abnor-

mal condition.

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