Network services, Serial network, Wake-on-lan – Riello UPS NetMan 204 User Manual
Page 9: Http, Snmp
NetMan 204 implements a series of services based on the main network protocols. These services
can be activated or deactivated according to requirements (see paragraph “Configuration”). A brief
description for each of these is given below.
By means of a SSH client (available on all the main operating systems) a remote connection with
NetMan 204 can be established to change its configuration (see paragraph “Configuration via
Serial network
To emulate a point-to-point serial connection through the network (TCP/IP protocol) in order to use
special function service software.
NetMan 204 can send “Wake-on-LAN” command for remote computers boot.
Using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), is possible to configure the NetMan 204 and the
status of the UPS can be monitored by means of a web browser without having to install additional
software. All the most popular web browsers are supported.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a communication protocol that allows a client
(manager) to make requests to a server (agent). NetMan 204 is an SNMP agent.
To exchange information, manager and agent use an addressing technique called MIB
(Management Information Base). There is a MIB file for each agent, defining which variables can
be requested and the respective access rights. The agent can also send messages (TRAP) without
a prior request from the manager, to inform the latter of particularly important events. SNMPv3 is
the evolution of SNMP and introduces new important features related to security. (See paragraph
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a low level network protocol that guarantees speed in the
exchange of data and low network congestion. It is the protocol used by the UPSMon software for
monitoring and control of the UPS.
The UDP connection uses the UDP 33000 port by default but can be configured on other ports
according to requirements.
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