Saving & opening pod x3 tones within gearbox, Saving & opening pod x3 tones within gearbox •9 – Line 6 3.7 User Manual

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Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3


Saving & Opening POD X3 Tones Within GearBox

With the powerful new Dual Tone abilities of the mighty POD X3 family devices, we’ve also added

some File menu options in GearBox. The File menu commands allow you to not only Save & Open

Tone 1 or Tone 2 individually, but also to Save & Open Dual Tone Presets!

Saving Tones

When you use any of the Save & Save As commands from the GearBox File menu, this creates a Line

6 Tone file (.l6t) that is stored to your computer. By default, these .l6t files are saved to the following


Mac -

Documents\Line6\Tones\GearBox\User folder

Windows -

My Documents/Line 6/ Tones/Gearbox/User folder

If you want to change the directory where your Tone files are saved, you can do so in the GearBox

Preferences > Tones tab, where you can define your preferred “Tones Root Folder”.

TIP - When you do a Save of a Dual Tone file, by default the title contains the names of both the

current Tone 1 name “+” Tone 2 name that make up the Dual Tone - this makes it easy for you to

pick out the Dual Tone type files when browsing your computer’s Tone directory!

Please refer to the following File menu command descriptions for specifics on the Save commands, and

also the

Hardware Memory Window

section for even more ways to Save and backup your Tones!

File Menu Commands

File > Dual Tone
A Dual Tone preset is a snapshot of all settings in both Tone 1 and Tone 2 in GearBox.

Open... - Launches the File > Open dialog allowing you to select any GearBox Dual Tone or Single

Tone preset file from your computer hard disk.

Choosing a Dual Tone file

loads all the settings of both Tone 1 and Tone 2 stored in the preset

into the Edit Buffer. By default Dual Tone files are saved with two Tone names in their title to

make it easy to see which .l6t files on your computer are of the Dual Tone type.
Choosing a Single Tone file

loads the data from the preset into both Tone 1 and Tone 2 in

GearBox, fully replacing the data previously each of these Tone slots. The “Dual Tone” function

is not automatically activated, since Tone 1 and Tone 2 are identical settings, but you can
