Line 6 3.7 User Manual

Page 95

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Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3


activate the Dual Tone function and tweak either Tone to make them a bit different if you want

to experiment.

Save As... - Launches the Save As dialog where you can edit the name, enter descriptive information,

and Browse to where to save the Dual Tone preset. Clicking the Save button in the dialog saves the

current Tone 1 & 2 edit buffer settings as a Dual Tone preset file (.l6t) on your computer. You’ll see

that we’ve already titled the POD X3 Dual Tone presets to include both individual Tone names with

a “+” between them - it is recommended to keep the Name in this format (as well as to follow this

naming format when creating your own, new Dual Tone file presets) to easily see the file contains

a Dual Tone...

Note - When you use the File > Dual Tone > Save As... command, this always creates a specific

Dual Tone preset file (even if only one Tone is “on”), which can only be opened with GearBox when

running with POD X3/X3 LiveX3 Pro devices. If you want to Save Single Tone preset files that can

be opened in GearBox with other Line 6 hardware, you can use the Tone 1 or Tone 2 Save & Save

As commands, or the

POD X3 Hardware Memory window


Tone Info... - Launches a Tone Info dialog where you can enter, edit & reference specifics about

this Dual Tone file preset.
