Deleting cvs volumes – HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array User Manual

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Deleting CVS volumes

To delete an individual CVS volume within a VDEV, use the Volume to Space operation (see


logical volumes to space


Converting CVs back to FVs (Volume Initialize operation)


The Volume Initialize function is a destructive operation. Data on the CVS volume being converted

is lost when the operation is complete. You are responsible for backing up data as needed before

performing this operation.

Use the Volume Initialize function to convert a CVS volume back to a fixed volume. This operation

de-installs all variable-sized volumes under a CVS volume, and reformats the CVS volume as a normal

FV (fixed volume).


An error message might appear if a Volume Initialize and Make Volume operation are performed

concurrently. For this error message, the part code is 0003 and the error number is 1041. If this message

appears, ensure that these operations are performed separately.


On the upper right of the XP Remote Web Console main pane, select a CU group from the

drop-down list.


From the Customized Volume pane, select the LDEV folder on the Parity Group - LDEV tree to display

a list of VDEVs, and select a VDEV. The LDEV Information table displays detailed information about

the LDEVs.


If the selected VDEV contains one or more CVs that violate any restriction for the Volume

Initialize operations (see

Volume Manager guidelines

), you cannot perform Volume

Initialize operations. Remove all invalid CVs before performing Volume Initialize operation.


Right-click any part of the Parity Group - LDEV tree, and select Volume Initialize. The Volume

Initialize pane (1) appears.


On the Volume Initialize pane (1):
a. Select one or more CVS volume numbers.
b. In the Select CU No. list, select a CU number.
c. In the Select LDEV Number table, select an LDEV number from the white LDEV numbers. The CU

and LDEV number appear in the CU:LDEV field.


If an LDEV number ends with # (for example, 00:01#), the LDEV is an external LU.

For more information about external LUs, see the

HP StorageWorks External Storage

XP user guide


d. To change a CU:LDEV number that is already assigned, select one or more volume numbers

corresponding to the CU:LDEV numbers you want to remove, right-click, and select Clear.


After setting all CU and LDEV numbers, click Next.

HP StorageWorks LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the


