Changing a host group's name and host mode, Change host group dialog box – HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array User Manual

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Changing a host group's name and host mode


You cannot perform this operation on host groups for initiator ports.

You cannot perform this operation on host groups for NAS ports.


Before changing a host group's host mode, HP recommends that you first back up data on the port the

host group belongs to. The operation for changing the host mode should not be destructive, but data

integrity cannot be guaranteed without a backup.


Start LUN Manager. The LUN Manager pane (

Figure 14

) appears.


In the tree, right-click the host group, and select Change Host Group. The Change Host Group

dialog box appears.

Figure 47 Change Host Group dialog box


To change the name of the host group, enter a new name in the Group Name box.
To change the host mode (

Table 16

), select the new host mode from the Host Mode list.


If necessary, click Option, and select host mode options. For more information about host mode

options, see

Table 17


HP StorageWorks LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the


