Types of alarms, Threshold alarms, Communication alarms – Vaisala viewLinc 4.3 User Manual

Page 122: Event validation alarms, Threshold alarms), Event validation alarms)

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About Alarms






Email & SMS Templates), and specify when and how Users should
be notified of alarms (using default or custom Alarm Templates and
Threshold Templates).

All alarm events are recorded in the Event Log.

Types of Alarms

Most viewLinc Alarms are issued automatically. It is up to you to set
condition limits, and decide how you want to view, be notified of,
and acknowledge different types of alarms.

Threshold Alarms

Threshold Alarms notify Users when conditions (such as temperature
and relative humidity) are outside acceptable limits. When
conditions exceed these limits (preconfigured by an Administrator),
a Threshold Alarm is triggered. You can configure single or multi-
level threshold alarm settings for each Location.

Communication Alarms

Communication Alarms automatically notify Users when
communication between a Host or viewLinc Server PC, and its
supported Devices, is interrupted. Example conditions which might
prompt a Communication Alarm are:

viewLinc Server can not communicate with a Device

Device connection to a Host has been severed.

Think of Communication Alarms as a system health test, alerting you
if there is a problem that might disrupt viewLinc monitoring and

Event Validation Alarms

Event Log Validation Alarms are used to ensure database security,
and require acknowledgement. They indicate whether changes have
been made to the Event Log from outside the viewLinc system.

If any changes have been made, or any missing records or files are
discovered, an alarm is automatically triggered, rendering data non-
