1 use of digital i/o ports for switching relays – Campbell Scientific CR5000 Measurement and Control Module User Manual

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Section 1. Installation and Maintenance


1.9.1 Use of Digital I/O Ports for Switching Relays

Each of the eight digital I/O ports can be configured as an output port and set
low or high (0 V low, 5 V high) using the PortSet or WriteIO instructions. A
digital output port is normally used to operate an external relay driver circuit
because the port itself has a limited drive capability (2.0 mA minimum at 3.5

Figure 1.9-1 shows a typical relay driver circuit in conjunction with a coil
driven relay which may be used to switch external power to some device. In
this example, when the control port is set high, 12 V from the datalogger passes
through the relay coil, closing the relay which completes the power circuit to a
fan, turning the fan on.

In other applications it may be desirable to simply switch power to a device
without going through a relay. Figure 1.9-2 illustrates a circuit for switching
external power to a device without going through a relay. If the peripheral to be
powered draws in excess of 75 mA at room temperature (limit of the 2N2907A
medium power transistor), the use of a relay (Figure 1.9-1) would be required.

Other control port activated circuits are possible for applications with greater
current/voltage demands than shown in Figures 1.9-1 and 2. For more
information contact a Campbell Scientific applications engineer.

FIGURE 1.9-1. Relay Driver Circuit with Relay
