3 table selection, 4 file control – Campbell Scientific CR5000 Measurement and Control Module User Manual

Page 45

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Section 2. Data Storage and Retrieval


Since Last, Create New File – Click here to save new data in a new file.
PC9000 searches for the last file with the Root name, gets the last record
number from that file, then the current record from the table in the CR5000,
and requests all records in between those numbers from the CR5000. The
number in the file name is incremented to create the file name in which the
data are stored.

Since Last, Append To File – Click here to append retrieved data to the end
of the named file. PC9000 searches for the last file with the Root name, gets
the last record number from that file, then the current record from the table in
the CR5000, and requests all records in between those numbers from the
CR5000. The data are appended to the existing file.

Number of Records, Create New File Collects the number of records entered
in Num of Recs box. Retrieves that many records back from the current record
number. The number in the file name is incremented to create the file name in
which the data are stored.

Num of Recs – Enabled when Number of Records, Create New File is
checked. Enter the number of records back from the current record number to
retrieve. Table Selection

All Tables – When the All Tables box is checked, all data tables except the
Public and Status tables are collected when collection is executed. The data
from each table are stored in a file with the table name and increment number
(see Table naming). This is a convenient method of collecting all data from
the CR5000. The first time data are collected, all data is checked and the file
type and collection method are selected. PC9000 remembers the settings, and
on subsequent collections the operator only needs to click on execute.

Stream – acts the same as Write file for the selected Table Name (Section

Table Name – When "All tables" is not checked, a single data table can be
selected for collection. The Table Name box is used to select the table to be

Reset Table – Resetting a data table erases all data in the table and sets the
record number back to 0. Unless the table is configured as fill and stop by the
CR5000 program, it is not necessary to reset the table because the "Since Last"
collection option can be used to get only the new data. If the table is
configured as fill and stop, it stops collecting data once full and must be reset
before more data can be collected. Use with caution. File Control

The default naming for a file stored to disk is to use the data table name
appended with a 2 digit number and the extension .DAT. If the table name is
longer than 6 characters, it is truncated. For example, the table name EVENTS
is stored as EVENTS00.DAT. A table named CYLTEMP is stored as
