Customer / patient manager, Searching for a patient appointment profile, Figure 21 patient manager screen – CTL Confirm-IT2 User Manual

Page 26: Refine search, search again

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Using Confirm-IT2

Confirm-IT2 User Guide


Customer / Patient Manager

The Customer Manager section allows you to search and select a particular
customer’s contact information within the Confirm-IT2 internal database. In the
Customer Manager you can display or modify a customer or patient’s
appointment reminder profile settings.

Searching For a Patient Appointment Profile

Open the Customer Manager screen by selecting Customer Manager from the pull
down Options menu.

Figure 21 Patient Manager Screen

To locate a specific patient, you can perform a search by entering some known
information about that person. By entering a phone number or the first few letters
of the last name and then clicking the Search button, Confirm-IT2 will find all
matching records. If multiple matches are found for the information you entered, a
secondary screen will appear with a list of the matching patient records.

Refine Search, Search Again

When entering an appointment, if the information entered locates multiple
matches for a previous patient or customer, a secondary search screen appears. It
shows what key words were entered and allows you to change or add additional
information to search on and search again to refine the search.

Miscellaneous details
about each customer
may be entered here.

The Reminder box for any imported fields will
automatically be checked. You can add
additional information that is not present in
the imported appointment database file.
