Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

Page 207

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• To build one or more targets in the current NodeBuilder project, click one target device

template, optionally, hold down CTRL and click the other targets or device templates
containing the targets to be built, right-click one of the selected items, and then click Build on
the shortcut menu.

4. The IzoT NodeBuilder tool automatically saves all unsaved project files when you start a build. If

there are any unsaved changes and the Prompt before Saving Files check box in the Options tab
of the NodeBuilder Project Properties dialog is selected, you will be prompted to save the
changes or cancel the build.

5. The results of the build are displayed in the Messages tab of the Results pane. This pane displays

Neuron C errors, linker errors, warnings, and the build status. You can double-click an error or
warning to go to the line of code that generated the message. The information displayed during a
build is also saved in a log file (.log extension) in the Development or Release target subfolder of
the device template’s output directory.

IzoT NodeBuilder FX User's Guide

