Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

Page 269

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Neuron C Source Files

(.nc, .c, and .h)

The main source file, <Device Template>.nc, is stored in the
C:\Lm\Source\<Project>\<Device Template> folder. This file
and any files included with the #include directive must be
checked in.

Standard header files are stored in the
C:\LonWorks\NeuronC\Include folder. These files should never
be edited because future installs will overwrite modified files and
changes would be lost. Check these files in to ensure that you can
go back to the version used to create your device, but be cautious
when restoring them so that you do not overwrite newer versions.

You can determine the set of dependent files from the Project pane
by performing a successful unconditional build operation and
inspecting the files listed under the Dependencies folder.

Miscellaneous Files

Includes user-defined libraries, build script files, and other
user-defined files

NodeBuilder Hardware
Template Files


Describe the hardware that will be used to host the application.
This data includes Neuron Chip model, clock rate, memory map,
and so on.

Standard hardware templates are stored in the

These files should never be edited because future updates to the
IzoT NodeBuilder tool will overwrite modified files and your
changes would be lost. Check these in to ensure that you can go
back to the version used to create your device, but be cautious
when restoring them so that you do not overwrite newer versions.

You can place user hardware templates in any folder. A
cross-project collection of user hardware templates may be found
in the User hardware templates folder, which by default is in the
C:\LM\Source\Templates\Hardware\User folder.

Resource Files

(.TYP, .FMT, .FPT, and

These resource files comprise resource file sets, which hold
definitions of functional profiles, network variable types, and
configuration property types. Resource file sets are generated
with the NodeBuilder Resource Editor. For more information on
creating and editing resource file sets, see the NodeBuilder
Resource Editor User’s Guide

You can move resource files by removing the reference to the
previous resource folder from the resource file catalog using the
NodeBuilder Resource Editor, moving the resource folder and all
its content to a new location, and then adding the new resource
folder to the resource catalog using the resource editor. You must
also add all required resource folders to the resource catalog when
moving or restoring a NodeBuilder project to a new computer.

To register a resource file from a build script, change the current
directory to the C:\LonWorks\Types folder and enter the
following command:

mkcat –a<ResourceFolderPath>

Note: Do not check-in the device resource file catalog ( by default) because it might
contain references to device resource files that are unique to each computer.

IzoT NodeBuilder User's Guide

