Using source control with a nodebuilder project – Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

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Using Source Control with a NodeBuilder Project

When developing a large NodeBuilder project, you can put the project under source control to allow
multiple developers to work concurrently on different parts of the project. This appendix lists all the
files associated with a NodeBuilder project that should be kept under source control.

The following abbreviations for file locations are used throughout the table:


The L




folder, which is typically C:\LonWorks.


The folder that contains the NodeBuilder device template file.
NodeBuilder device template files use the .NbDt file extension.
By default <NbDtFolder> is a subfolder of the NodeBuilder
project folder.


Your manufacturer name (for example, ACME Corporation).


A valid device resource file language identifier such as ENU,
GER, FRA, and so on.


The name of the NodeBuilder project.

Check the following files into a source code control system to allow several developers to work on the
same code base and to enable a L




device file set to be completely recreated from source:

NodeBuilder Project Files

(.NbPrj and .NbOpt)

The file <project>.NbPrj is the NodeBuilder project file. It holds
pointers to all the NodeBuilder device templates and any
user-defined hardware templates required for a build. This file
would be checked in for convenience.

The file <project>.NbOpt is a NodeBuilder options file. It holds
information about which devices have been inserted into the
project, breakpoint lists for the debugger and other user settings.
This file would not normally be checked in. The options in this
file are a matter of personal preference, and do not effect device
file set.

Although NodeBuilder project folders and all their subfolders can
be moved and re-opened from the new location with the Open
dialog, moving a project folder can cause compilation
errors due to absolute file references in use, or due to device
resource files being moved. Try to use relative references rather
than absolute file name paths whenever possible.

To improve project-to-project compatibility, do not use the
Include Search Path option in the Project tab of the
NodeBuilder Project Properties dialog.

The default location for project files is: C:\lm\source\<project>

NodeBuilder Device
Template Files


These files hold most of the data required to build a device file set
and NodeBuilder device template.

The device template folder and all its contents can be moved and
re-inserted into an existing project. Moving a device template
folder can cause compilation errors due to absolute file references
in use, or due to resource files being moved. The default location
for the NodeBuilder device template files is <NbDtFolder>.


Appendix B: Using Source Control with a NodeBuilder Project
