Setting build options, Ee setting build options – Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

Page 214

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changed. This status is unlikely to occur.

Link required. Applies to device template targets only. Indicates that
one of the libraries or the system image has been modified since the
application image was last built or that a property has been changed that
requires the project be re-linked.

Export required. Applies to device template targets only. Indicates
that a property has been changed that requires the device to be exported.

Load required. Applies to targets only. Indicates that the application
image has been modified since the target was last loaded. The IxoT
NodeBuilder tool will only be aware of loads performed by the IzoT
NodeBuilder or IzoT Commissioning tools. If you load the application
with another tool, the IzoT NodeBuilder tool will not update the status
until the application is built and loaded using the IzoT NodeBuilder or
IzoT Commissioning tools. The Load required status is undetermined
when you use the IzoT NodeBuilder tool as a standalone application.

Setting Build Options

You can set build properties that control the build process. To set build properties, follow these steps:

1. Click Project and then click Settings, or click the Project Settings button (

) in the Project

toolbar. The NodeBuilder Project Properties dialog opens with the Build tab selected.

Alternatively, you can right-click the Project folder at the top of the Project pane, click Settings
on the shortcut menu, and the click the Build tab; or click Tools, click Options, and then click the
Build tab.

2. Set the following options for building device applications:

Stop Builds on

Determines when a build is stopped. A build may be stopped when an
error or warning is returned, or upon completion. The default is
Errors. If Do not stop is selected and an error occurs, the build


Building and Downloading Device Applications
