Excluding targets from a build, Cleaning build output files, Ee cleaning build – Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

Page 211: Output files, Ee cleaning build output files, Ee excluding targets from a build

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Excluding Targets from a Build

You can exclude a target or a device template from project builds, and you can exclude a target from a
device template build. To exclude a target or device template from a build, right-click the device
template or the Release or Development target folder and then click Build Exclude on the shortcut
menu. The selected device template or target folder will be dimmed.

To include the device template or target in the build after you have excluded it, right-click it and select
Build Exclude again.

You can also choose to build to only development or release targets in the entire project. To do this,
select Development Targets or Release Targets in Build Type in the NodeBuilder toolbar. To build
all targets, select All Targets.

Cleaning Build Output Files

You can remove all files and folders produced by a build from the device template’s output folder. To
remove all build outputs in the project, right-click the Device Templates folder and then select Clean
from the shortcut menu.

To clean all build outputs from a specific device template or target, right-click the device template or
target folder and then select Clean from the shortcut menu.

IzoT NodeBuilder FX User's Guide

